My growth is growth for all.

Article by Levinah Omondi

Levinah Omondi is a big sister in Ruiru, Kiambu county. A Big sister is a mentor to adolescent girls and young women who are mentored on various aspects of their lives key focus being in their reproductive health and rights. Through the various training and capacity strengthening opportunities Levinah Omondi has acquired confidence, information, empathy and sensitivity. She can now articulate her ideas and give accurate information in the various situations and experiences brought to her. These skills and values have aided her to become a great mentor to the adolescent young girls in the program. Levinah Omondi is also a member of the Pretty Savers group which is a group consisting of girls only who came together to pull and save their resources. Through the group she has learnt and developed a discipline to manage her finances and the resources she gets from the various engagements she has. Levinah Omondi says that she has witnessed a growth with her adolescent young girls because before she would in a month get a total number of thirty participants in her sessions and now the number has shot to a hundred and twenty participants in a month. the AGYW. She also notes a behavior change from the adolescent young girls she mentors. She has referred a number of girls to reproductive health service providers for reproductive health services where they have enrolled and are currently on the guidance of their service providers which she is proud of. Initially this AYGW would sit to their problems and in turn make uninformed reproductive health decisions about their lives. Levinah Omondi continues to impact the lives of this AGYW hoping to end the surges of early unintended pregnancies and sexual gender-based violence among

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