SAFIRE’s Hearts of Fire

Remembering the first time I held a session sparks up nostalgia as I was very nervous, especially talking about sexual and reproductive health-related issues. It was only after doing a couple of sessions that I became more confident and comfortable. 

My evolution as a person in the Safire program has been phenomenal, I have been taken through different capacity strengthening sessions and training that have contributed to the know-how of helping and empowering small sisters in my community. I have been able to learn different approaches and activities such as holding value clarification and assessment sessions that aim to highlight and challenge attitudes on some contentious sexual reproductive health issues. Safeguarding training has taught me how to handle small sisters when they approach me with an issue without biases or imposing my beliefs and attitudes, this and many more help me be a better Big sister. 

I have also seen great changes with the small sisters and the community that I have interacted with in my sessions. There is a change in the attitude towards certain sexual reproductive health topics such as access to contraceptives and medical abortion. 

There has also been an increase in demand for access to sexual and reproductive health services among the small sisters attending my sessions and this has reduced social standard factors that contribute to the vulnerabilities of small sisters. I’m happy to see that the information I give through the big sister sessions is having an impact on the community.

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