Who we are

The Centre for the Study of Adolescence

About CSA

The Centre for the Study of Adolescence (CSA) is a Kenyan non-profit making organization established in 1988 by a group of Kenyan professionals committed to the fight for adolescent health. The Centre works towards the promotion of the health and development of adolescents and young people through programming, policy advocacy, research, technical assistance and capacity building. Our main objective is to create resources and options, and improve access to safe, affordable, and sustainable services, in partnership with key stakeholders.  Since the 80s, CSA has significantly contributed towards an improved policy environment for adolescent sexual reproductive health establishing itself as a leader in adolescent youth sexual and reproductive health (AYSRH) rights programming and advocacy in Kenya and the East and Central African region. The Centre has over thirty year’s practical experience in ASRH programming and policy influencing based on locally generated evidence.

Our Programme Pillars

CSA’s programmes operate at four levels (Programming; Evidence Generation, Lobby and Advocacy and Capacity building) to advance young people’s health rights and tackle the root causes of discrimination, exclusion and vulnerability across four key areas:

Reproductive Health, Gender and HIV/AIDS
Social Policy, Advocacy and Networking
Research & Publications
Capacity Building
How we implement our programmes

Our Approach

  1. Human Rights-based Approach- CSA uses the Human Rights-based approach design as a practical tool to plan, implement, and evaluate development projects.
  2. Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation (MIYP)- CSA actively involves young people in all their diversities in decision-making processes related to policies, programs, and initiatives that affect their lives as well as representation in the board. Recognizing that young people are experts in their own lives and have valuable perspectives and insights to contribute
  3. Multisectoral Approach– CSA works with an integrated approach that involves collaboration and coordination among different sectors, such as health, environment, education, and climate, to address complex problems.  CSA recognizes that no single sector can address these challenges alone and that collaboration among different sectors is essential for sustainable development.
  4. Gender Transformative Approach- CSA works to ensure the integration of a Gender Transformative Approach (GTA) within its Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) programming.
  5. Advocacy- CSA supports evidence-based advocacy for programming and improving the policy environment for children, adolescents and young people’s Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights at the County, National, Regional and International levels.
  6. Economic Empowerment– CSA implements this by building the capacity of young people to participate in, contribute to and benefit from growth processes in ways that recognise the value of their contributions, respect their dignity and increase their access to economic resources.
  7. Inclusivity– CSA recognizes that young people are not heterogeneous and face multiple, intersecting and compounding challenges based on their identities; including ethnicity, religion, disability, economic status, sexual orientation and gender identity among others. CSA deliberately and purposefully ensures the meaningful engagement of excluded and marginalized young people, strengthen their capacity and strengthen networks and opportunities for them to claim their rights.



Our Purpose

We Believe...

CSA is committed to the process of empowering marginalized groups. We know that the change may be difficult and may take a long time but we work to make this change a reality. Commitment is an important attribute of CSA employees and board members.

CSA is committed to the process of empowering marginalized groups. We know that the change may be difficult and may take a long time but we work to make this change a reality. Commitment is an important attribute of CSA employees and board members.

To promote the health and development of young people through research, technical assistance, advocacy, and capacity building while expanding choices and access to safe, affordable, and sustainable services.
A society in which sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people are universally realized and enjoyed
CSA is committed to the process of empowering marginalized groups. We know that the change may be difficult and may take a long time but we work to make this change a reality. Commitment is an important attribute of CSA employees and board members.
Equity and Equality
CSA believes that all human beings, particularly those of oppressed groups such as women, children, the elderly, the disabled, etc, must be given equal opportunities in life and that their human rights must be fully protected.
We hold ourselves accountable for results at all levels. Each person is responsible for performance standards that form the basis of annual performance appraisals. We are accountable to our donors, and the community we serve by ensuring we are prudent and manage our resources efficiently.
Impactful Stats
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