Day of the African Child

The Day of the African Child has been celebrated on June 16 every year since 1991, when it was first initiated by the OAU Organisation of African Unity. It honors those who participated in the Soweto Uprising in 1976 on that day. 

The theme for this year’s Day of the African Child (DAC) is “30 years after the adoption of the Charter: accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2040 for an Africa fit for children”. 

As part of our key calendar days activity, CSA participated by having an online campaign using our social media platforms. 

CSA implores all stakeholders in the child rights sector to advocate for the equitable protection of all children regardless of gender, taking due cognizance of their different needs and social circumstances, as focusing on protection of the girl child alone may lead to undesirable consequences.

Although children may be least affected by the disease itself, they are most affected by its socio-economic impact. The closure of schools during school suspensions to control the spread of diseases has become a hotbed of violations of children’s rights, such as increased pressure caused by teenage pregnancy, child labor, and the inability to interact on the street. Or play with peers, children who rely on school food to be hungry, child trafficking, female genital mutilation (FGM), or even child marriage. In the long run, these have had an impact on children’s physical and mental health, including physical, emotional, and psychological. CFS 

further emphasizes the ten-strong aspirations of the 2040 agenda. Its slogan is: (Cultivating a child-friendly Africa) and urges all stakeholders in the children’s rights sector to continue to maintain the aspirations of the 2040 agenda. A dynamic continental framework of rights and strengthened by an effective, child-oriented national legislative and institutional policy framework. Following the call of the 2040 Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development Agenda,

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