Emphasizing The Need For Further Awareness On Use Of Condoms

Condoms are the only form of contraceptives that prevent pregnancy and protect both sexual partners from STIs including HIV. When used consistently and correctly only 2 of every 100 women become pregnant and on average, condoms are 80% to 95 % effective in protecting people from HIV when used correctly in every act of sex. 

While referring and supporting young people to access reproductive health services, through informal interaction with some boys Naomi, one of the big sisters under the SAFIRE program in Kiambu, noticed quite a concerning number of boys were not using condoms during sex. The boys who disclosed to her confidentially indicated that fear of being viewed as promiscuous makes them shy from buying over the counter, not aware of places or points they can access freely and easily was also a factor. 

This indicates that despite a general increase in trends of condom use over the past two decades, substantial variations and gaps remain. To ensure we stay on track in fighting the HIV epidemic and reducing cases of unintended pregnancies Naomi suggests: 

“Effective condom promotion should be tailored for people at increased risk of HIV and other STIs and/or unintended pregnancy, including young people, especially boys and girls. Young people must be further educated on the importance of using condoms, bursting myths and misconceptions around the same and other contraceptives, and supporting easy, non-judgemental access to reproductive health services should remain a priority for government and every stakeholder”

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