The referral process is quite a task at times especially if you are dealing with a young girl and the guardian is involved. Let me name my small sister Diana. Diana is a young girl aged 16, she hails from the outcasts of Kiambu county, Juja Sub county, Theta ward. She is a very brilliant girl who is in form two in a very reputable day school in her home area. So I have been holding sessions in the school (not to mention the name) to give my contacts in case of anything and She has been really asking questions since then. I get concerned and request her to at least meet me at an undisclosed location). She agrees to meet me and we have a very long conversation. Come to think of it, it’s really hard for a young girl her age to actually admit she’s pregnant for the fear of being judged and criticized. At this point i’m wondering,her giving me all this information what would she want? She tells me she can’t keep the pregnancy which by the way was from a motorbike rider who denied it. He said he didn’t have anything to do with it and that he is sterile. I give her two options to keep the pregnancy or not but the decision has to be entirely hers. “ She makes the final decision and says she can’t risk not completing high school for something she can deal with. AS a BIG SISTER at this point I have to take her through the whole referral process and what is expected of her to avoid being in such a situation in the future. I contact my vendor and explain to him the whole situation, and he advised the way forward depending on the period the pregnancy had gone. After they were in agreement on the amount and so forth, I key in her information on the DMIS and send her to the vendor’s location for the service. She visits the vendor the following day and she’s given the MA tablets and a contraceptive method which was between them(she didn’t disclose but confirmed she’s on one). After a week I do the follow-up and to my surprise, the girl was so happy with my concern and she was so much grateful that she would continue with her education without fear. What A success!!!