Improving Adolescent Sexual Health in Homa Bay County
Homa Bay County faces challenges such as high rates of teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and sexually transmitted infections. Limited access to basic services and high unemployment rates among youth contribute to these issues. Weaknesses in comprehensive sex education and reproductive health services exacerbate the situation.
They [health workers] used to mistreat us but since the CSC implementation things have changed. I was there at 9:00 pm but to tell you the truth, health workers have changed and usually delay mothers until the child gets vaccinated especially BCG and polio birth then released in the morning
Community Member
The project aims to advocate for the adoption and domestication of the National ASRH Policy by the Homa Bay County Department of Health. It also seeks to increase the uptake of quality sexual and reproductive health information and services. Community engagement, social accountability measures, and empowering young people are key components of the project's design.
The project targets adolescent girls and boys, as well as young women and men aged 10-24. They will receive age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education and access to quality sexual and reproductive health services. Trained peer educators, mentors, advocates, and service providers will facilitate implementation, along with healthcare workers and community health volunteers.
The AYPSRHR project strives to improve sexual and reproductive health outcomes among adolescents and young people in Homa Bay County. By ensuring policy alignment and enhancing access to information and services, it aims to reduce teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections while promoting overall well-being and contraceptive use. The project has provided services for 6500 young people from Homa Bay, Rangwe and Ndhiwa seeking different SRHR services such as family planning, condoms, STIs & HIV testing and counselling, ante and pre-natal services.