With funding from HIVOS, the We Lead program is implemented by 12 organisations in Kenya with CSA as the host organisation. Within the 12 organisations, 3 are direct grantee organisations that support the Community of Action (CoA) organisations on national level advocacy for three different pathways.

"Respecting and promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights is essential for achieving gender equality and empowerment among women in all their diversities."

Sanaa, Right Holder


We Lead deliberately seeks to gradually shift the power into the hands of the holders of rights, and enable them to effectively lobby and advocate for their SRHR themselves. This is what makes the We Lead consortium and the programme unique;.We Lead brings the principles of local ownership, gender equality and inclusion, and youth leadership into practice as well as bringing young women from the four rightsholder groups together to inspire national-level Communities of Action (CoAs), and empower them to build a movement. Within the We Lead overarching theory of change, the CoA members decide on objectives, strategies and activities to make duty-bearers listen and improve their SRHR. HIVOS funds CoAs lobby and advocacy plans through a participatory grant-making mechanism. Additionally, CoA members are in We Lead’s steering committee.


Young women with disabilities, young women living with HIV, young women of concern and young women who identify as sexual minorities who are all referred to as right holders.


By the end of 2025, resilient young women with disabilities, living with HIV, affected by displacement and identifying as sexual minorities will play a leading role in strengthening inclusive organisations and movements that enjoy increased public support and have convinced duty-bearers and health-service providers to take steps towards implementing laws, policies and practices that respect and protect these young women’s SRHR. CSA through one of the CoAs has supported the Kilifi County PWD Bill 2023


Kilifi County PWD Bill Supported by CSA through one of the COAs

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