The Youth for Health

The Youth for Health (Y4H)

The Youth for Health (Y4H) project aims to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR) by increasing access to high-quality ASRHR information, education, and services, with a focus on marginalized adolescents in Kisumu County.


The Y4H project employs a multifaceted approach to enhance ASRHR. It encompasses consensus-building meetings and workshops to garner support for ASRHR information and services in Kisumu County. Capacity-building efforts target teachers, healthcare workers, religious leaders, and adolescent peer providers, equipping them to deliver age-appropriate reproductive health education. Electronic and media-based channels such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, local radio, and newspapers are utilized for reaching out-of-school adolescents.


The primary beneficiaries of the Y4H project are 14,000 vulnerable adolescents in Kisumu County, particularly those in Muhoroni and Seme sub-counties. The project also indirectly benefits parents, religious leaders, teachers, and healthcare workers who receive capacity building and training to support adolescent reproductive health.


The project conducted consensus-building workshops involving 25 county officials and initiated programs in Kisumu County. It also mapped out sub-counties and schools in Muhoroni/Seme for CSE. For capacity building, the project trained 30 religious leaders, parents, adolescents, teachers, and healthcare workers. It established a WhatsApp group for adolescent engagement in reproductive health topics and trained adolescents to act as "human libraries" in their communities.


County Officials Reached

We’re here to give every adolescent the best care & support they need